Light a Candle for the Vaccine-damaged

Join the event called Light a Candle for the Vaccine-damaged held on International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day. People gather in public places (in streets, town squares or parks) and light candles to remember the suffering or even death of vaccine-injured children and adults. This event brings to our attention that vaccination is not a harmless act and can have adverse effects, sometimes even very serious. At a time when vaccination is mandatory in many countries throughout the world, it is even more important to inform people about the potential risks of vaccination. Vaccine injury is often denied by the health authorities and state officials even though many medical experts all over the world warn about the risks. Only the parents of vaccine-injured children know the truth.

On the day you can share stories of vaccine-injured children and adults and share your experience with others. There are many links on the Stories page. You can also spread the information about the EFVV petition for vaccine freedom of choice as there is mandatory vaccination in many countries all over the world that breaches many international and European agreements on human rights.

If you cannot join or arrange this event in your town, just light a candle at home or at any other place (any special or well-known place to light a candle is welcome) and share with friends on social media and on this website in the Gallery. Any memory of vaccine injuries shared with others will bring attention to the dark side of the vaccination.

You can also light a virtual candle on title page. By this act you express your support for International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day.

Click here for the gallery of the year 2017

Click here for the gallery of the year 2016